花生面煎粿 (新加坡著名早餐糕点)Min Jiang Kueh (Famous Singapore Breakfast)的做法

花生面煎粿 (新加坡著名早餐糕点)Min Jiang Kueh (Famous Singapore Breakfast)

9102人浏览 788人收藏 2人做过
作者: 许氏私厨
小时候在新加坡,最喜欢吃的早餐就是“面煎粿”。那时候,每个菜市场都有现做的,特别方便。现在就没这么容易找到了。前两天看到一本菜谱,介绍这道早餐小吃,好奇的把它给做了。结果还真不错,也没太难,现在分享给大家。家里有小朋友的,估计也会受欢迎的,可以试试。 When I was a kid in Singapore, this was my favorite breakfast. In those days, almost all the hawker centers had freshly made "min jiang kueh". It is less easier to find now. Couple of days ago, I came across a recipe that taught this dish and so I decided to give it a try. Surprisingly, the result was fantastic. Thus, I am happy to share this recipe with all of you. For those who have young kids, this may prove to be quite popular with kids so give it a try.


花生面煎粿 (新加坡著名早餐糕点)Min Jiang Kueh (Famous Singapore Breakfast)的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

把300克面粉和150克白糖混在一个大碗里。加入少许盐,一勺泡达粉和一勺干酵母 Add 300g of flour with 150g of sugar into a large bowl. Add a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of instant dry yeast

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

加入两个鸡蛋,加入400克温水(50度左右),用搅拌机搅拌。放在温度高点的地方,搁置一个半小时。 Add in two eggs and 400g of warm water (about 50 degrees C), mix well and set the bowl in a warm area for an hour and a half

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

把花生放在平底锅,用小火慢烤十分钟 Roast the raw peanuts on a pan for ten minutes

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

去皮后,放入搅拌器打成粉状 Remove the skin and place into a grinder to grind into peanut powder

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

用个平底锅,涂上一层油,小火加热。倒入两大汤勺的面粉糊,然后将锅倾斜铺满整个锅底 With a non-stick pan, coat lightly with oil and heat over a low flame. Add in two large ladles of flour mixture and tip the pan to coat the pan evenly

步骤 6
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

把锅盖盖上,直到表面开始干透 Cover with a lid until the surface starts to dry up

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将花生厚厚的铺在左半边,把一勺白糖和一勺熟芝麻均匀撒在花生粉上 Sprinkle a thick layer of peanut powder on the left side of the pancake. Sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar and toasted sesame seed evenly over the peanut powder

步骤 8
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

把右边的糕,用铲子翻到左边。将糕切成四块,便能上桌 Flip the right side of the pancake over the left. Cut into four large pieces and serve

花生面煎粿 (新加坡著名早餐糕点)Min Jiang Kueh (Famous Singapore Breakfast)的小贴士

面粉糊的多少就会影响糕的厚度。根据不同人的喜好,可以做得比较薄或者比较厚点,没有太大的关系。烤时用小火,避免烧焦。如果要表面均匀,可以用喷罐食用油,喷在平底锅上。 The amount of flour mixture will determine the thickness of the pancake. Depending on individual taste, you can choose to make it thinner or thicker by varying the amount of mixture poured into the pan. Use low heat to prevent pancake from burning. If you want the surface to be more even, consider using an spray can of oil to coat the pan evenly

菜谱创建时间:2015-02-27 20:37:52