雷蒙德的烹饪秘诀一苹果派Apple Tart的做法

雷蒙德的烹饪秘诀一苹果派Apple Tart

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作者: Soong
MAMAN BLANC'S APPLE TART Raymond's first dish brings back memories. "It's a French one.When I think of apple,I think of Maman Blanc's Tarte Aux Pommes.In the afternoon,the tart would be slowly baking in the oven and all the wafts of these amazing apples woud come through and I knew we had apple tart." Just shortcrust pastry and apples that will be delicious. Raymong is using a world class apple,Cox Orange Pippin,traditional British apples which work perfectly in this tart.世界顶级的苹果,橘苹,酸甜度适宜,做苹果派再合适不过了。


雷蒙德的烹饪秘诀一苹果派Apple Tart的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

For the filling,start by peeling four medium apples.做馅料时,先削四个中等大小的苹果

步骤 2

A very simple shortcrust pastry:NO sugar.Mix 250 grams of flour,a pinch of salt and 125 grams of unsalted butter.将250g面粉,少许盐和125g无盐黄油搅拌混合,成沙粒状(sandy) Add an egg and a dash of water.再加一个鸡蛋和少量水,搅拌混合,然后可以开始揉面揉成团即可

步骤 3

Raymond places the pastry between two sheets of clingfilm,so there is no need to use flour when it's rolled out.雷德蒙把面团放在两层保鲜膜之间,这样一会儿在擀面时就不需要撒面粉了 Then it's into the fridge to cool for half an hour.然后把它放入冰箱冷藏半小时

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Once the pastry‘s cool,roll it to a thickness of about two millimeteres.将冷藏好的面团擀成2毫米厚度的饼皮

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Put a 22 centimetre tart ring on top of a baking sheet.将一个直径22cm的模具放在烤盘上

步骤 6
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Delicately lift it,and try to fold it in inside小心点提起饼皮,然后将它与模具贴合,伸出大拇指把饼皮边缘往上推,使其高于模具边缘,当它加热时,会有些回缩。

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Prick the base to keep the pastry flat while it cooks.在表面叉些小孔以防加热时膨胀

步骤 8
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Then cut the apple ino chunky slices然后将苹果切成块状,不能切太薄否则烤后会溶掉(collapse),得留住苹果多汁多肉的口感。

步骤 9
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Arange in a circle within the tart用苹果片在模中铺出一个圆形

步骤 10
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Make a calvados butter,to caramelise the apples while they cook:Melt butter,add dash of lemon juice,sugar and asplash of calvados-a brandy made from apples.制作苹果白兰地黄油酱,为苹果刷上一层焦糖:(分量如图所示)锅内融化黄油,加入少量柠檬汁(只是为了增加口感如图一点点),再加入砂糖,再加点苹果白兰地(一种用苹果做的白兰地酒,又称卡巴度斯苹果酒),然后搅拌。

步骤 11
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Brush the Calvados butter over the apples把苹果白兰地黄油酱刷到苹果上

步骤 12
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 13
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

A quick custard:然后开始做简易蛋黄酱作为填充馅料(filling):100g高脂鲜奶油+鸡蛋一个+50g白砂糖,然后搅拌就好了(whisk it)

步骤 14
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

pour the custard over the cooked tart and return it to the oven for ten more minutes.拿出苹果派,撒点糖,把蛋黄酱倒进烤好饿馅饼里,再放回烤箱烤十分钟。

步骤 15
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

the tart needs to stand for about an hour before serving.“Barely warm,that's when you eat it.”馅饼放置一小时后方可食用,“微热的时候最好吃”。凉了之后撒点糖霜即可。

雷蒙德的烹饪秘诀一苹果派Apple Tart的小贴士

"To me,this apple tart sums up my youth,where the mother would bring this amazing,simple dessert,and it will be share with the family.So I hope that every family in Great Britain tries this dessert."一Raymond

菜谱创建时间:2014-03-10 18:33:34