【肉酱意面】Spaghetti Bolognese的做法

【肉酱意面】Spaghetti Bolognese

6人浏览 0人做过
作者: 刘琸


【肉酱意面】Spaghetti Bolognese的做法步骤

步骤 1

将洋葱剥皮切碎。 Peel and chop the onion.

步骤 2

将胡萝卜和芹菜切片然后把胡萝卜片一切四瓣。 将意式培根切成小块。 Slice the carrot and celery and then quarter the carrot slices. If not already diced, cut the pancetta into small pieces.

步骤 3

中火加热橄榄油,将洋葱、胡萝卜、芹菜和意式培根炒制约5分钟。 Sauté the onions, carrots, celery and pancetta in olive oil over medium heat for approx. 5 minutes.

步骤 4

加入牛肉馅,再烹制约10分钟。 Add the ground beef and cook for approx. 10 additional minutes.

步骤 5

加入鸡汤和番茄膏,并铲起粘锅的食材。盖上锅盖,小火煮制约2小时。 Combine the chicken broth and tomato paste and then use it to deglaze the pan contents. Cover the pan with a lid and let simmer over low heat for approx. 2 hours.

步骤 6

在煮制时间即将结束前,按照包装说明准备 意面。 Shortly before the cook time has elapsed, prepare the spaghetti according to the package instructions.

步骤 7

将煮好的意面搭配肉酱、帕尔马奶酪和罗勒食用。 Serve the cooked spaghetti with the bolognese sauce, Parmesan and basil.

菜谱创建时间:2024-10-30 13:59:35