Shish Tawook 超简单的中东烤鸡肉串(附营养表)的做法

Shish Tawook 超简单的中东烤鸡肉串(附营养表)

1442人浏览 116人收藏 0人做过
作者: potatopatate
*** 开始制作前请先仔细阅读后面的小贴士。 准备工作只需要混合腌料,有手就可以做的超简单烤鸡胸肉!! 搬运自 https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/shish-tawook/#wprm-recipe-container-5577 每份热量 Calories: 276kcal Carbohydrates: 4g Protein: 33g Fat: 14g Saturated Fat: 3g Cholesterol: 99mg Sodium: 595mg Potassium: 648mg Fiber: 1g Sugar: 2g Vitamin A: 270IU Vitamin C: 7mg Calcium: 44mg Iron: 1mg


Shish Tawook 超简单的中东烤鸡肉串(附营养表)的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

所有剩余材料混合搅拌均匀,腌料酱就做好啦。 然后将鸡胸肉块丢进酱料中抓匀,保证每块肉都厚厚地包裹上一层酱料。 裹好腌料的鸡肉盖保鲜膜进冰箱腌制至少4小时。

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

取出腌制好的鸡肉穿串(懒人可以跳过这一步哈哈哈),可以根据个人喜好加些洋葱和彩椒做为点缀。 上烤盘或平底锅中火烤制,每一面约烤5-8分钟,两面微微上色

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

铸铁烤盘或平底锅中火双面烤制,每一面大约烤5-8分钟。鸡肉串熟透并且表面微焦就大功告成了。 也可以换用烤箱或空气炸锅,但具体温度和时长需要自行摸索。

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


Shish Tawook 超简单的中东烤鸡肉串(附营养表)的小贴士

【 个人实践过程中的小心得 】 1。柠檬汁和酸奶主要是为了增添风味并且使鸡肉更鲜嫩多汁,但原方中柠檬汁量比较大,初次尝试食谱、不确定是否合口味的厨友可先减半甚至少量试起,慢慢摸索调整。 2。我第一次直接用了现成的shawarma spices代替了腌料中几种香料粉末,味道也很好,家里材料不全但刚好有各种混合香料的盆友们不妨也大胆尝试一下。 【 来自作者的特别说明 】 1。纯酸奶可以但不建议用希腊酸奶替换。因为普通酸奶含水量高,更有助于鸡胸肉保持水润嫩滑。 2。如果要使用木签竹签烤制肉串,请提前将签子浸泡30-45分钟。目的是防止签子烧焦/起火。 3. Marinade the chicken for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight in the fridge to allow the chicken to tenderize. Trust me, it’ll make the chicken more juicy and flavorful! 4. Cover the chicken immediately with pita bread after grilling. The pita bread helps trap the vapors and moisture to make the chicken even more juicy! It’s often served this way as well. FAQs 1. How long does grilled chicken keep? Shish tawook are best served as soon as they are cooked so that they are wonderfully succulent. If you do have leftovers keep them in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. You can reheat the skewers once, if you reheat it’s best to cover them with foil so that they don’t dry out. I like having the leftovers cold on top of a salad. 2.Why do you need to marinade the chicken? Marinating the chicken will not only add flavor, but it also helps to tenderize the chicken and help lock in the moisture when you grill them. Marinate them for at least 4 hours and all you have to is grill them when you are ready to serve. 3.What do you serve with shish tawook? I love to serve these as hand held food in a pita with lettuce and garlic sauce, but you can easily turn these into a larger sit down meal as well. Try serving them with Lebanese Rice, Fattoush Salad or even with Cauliflower Rice.

菜谱创建时间:2022-07-14 22:50:03