家常酱油肉 干净又美味的做法

家常酱油肉 干净又美味

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作者: 鋭貝卡橙
家常酱油肉 :10斤为例 以带皮的五花肉最好,肥瘦相宜。 干花椒约1两(手抓一大把)、老抽150克(3两),生抽150g,蚝油150g白酒(你自己喜欢喝的烈酒)2-3两。备用。香叶数片,花椒两勺,八角6颗 五花肉切成自己想要的大小块,每一块的一段用小刀戳个洞好穿线挂起来,洗净用厨房纸搽干表面的水,备用。 把所有的香料腌料一起入冷锅,小火煮至闻得到香味,放凉备用; 取一大盆,放入五花肉,用高度酒喷遍肉身,酒不够再加,多点少点不影响的(加酒一是杀菌,二是成品肉质看起来红亮好看),把腌料抹匀肉身,(花椒八角香叶不要捡出来),盖上盖子,放在阴凉通风的地方腌制2-3天(天冷就2-3天,天气暖和1-2天),期间每天翻一翻,保证肉的每个地方都腌渍到位,因为腌制过程中会出水,不翻的话,盆内下面的肉会比上面的咸,上面的肉盐度不够会变质)然后穿线挂在阴凉通风的地方直到干硬。腊肉就做好了。 储存:可以一直挂在阴凉通风的地方(看气候条件,太潮湿要生霉,太干燥肉会很干很硬,吃的时候要蒸/煮都行);也可以用保鲜膜一块块包起来放冰箱冷冻室,冷藏的话可能会生霉。 成品腊肉表面会有白色或略黄的盐斑,不影响食用。 原味香肠的做法 猪肉10斤为例 盐150g糖150g高度酒150ml 五花肉切片,猪臀尖瘦肉切片,猪肉的肥瘦比3:7,切好用你勤劳的双手拌匀,第一步加入盐,拌匀,第二步,加入糖,拌匀,最后加入高度白酒,拌匀,放到冰箱里腌制几个小时开始灌肠Tricks:灌肠前,你可以挑几片出来试试味道,以便调整咸甜度 ,比你平常吃的味道略重一点,风干后就正好 不要灌太紧,太紧,香肠会显得太柴,太松切不成片。灌好后,用线绑成小节,用针扎洞排气,挂通风的地方晾干后,就冻冰箱里,美味时时有。我将原味香肠的英文写在了后面,中文表述得不清晰地地方 英文补充


家常酱油肉 干净又美味的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 6
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 8
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

晾干后的腊肉 分装成你喜欢的分量

步骤 9
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

plastics warp 裹住肉身,放进冰柜里

家常酱油肉 干净又美味的小贴士

How to make chinese Sausage I guess there is a range of preferences for the flavoring of a homemade sausage.This recipe from my Mom,and it's my favorite.The seasoning is quite simple.You don't need spicing ingredients or anything like that for extra flavor,The only condiments are salt,sugar and Achole.The will make an original Sausage.You can definitely add in other ingredients to you liking. First off, prepare the sausage casings,They always packaged in salt y marinade.Wash them untill clean,then soak in water.You can do this a day before.Soak the Sausage casings in the fridge overnight before you use them.That helps to remove any salt clinging to them,as well as the smells.Now ,the meat, I am using a mixing of Ham/leg and pork belly meat.Wash them and then chopped them as thin slices.Tirmmed off the skin if you bought skin on.Nomally ,only leg meat is enough, Since I bought a leaner cut,So I add in pork belly for better meat-to -fat ratio.The fat content should be 30%by weight.Cut the leg and pork belly into slices,and put them together.Now the seasoning.Add salt first, then sugar and strong distilled wine(baijiu),Combine them together. Now slip the Sausage casing onto the bottleneck.Tightly tie off the end with a piece of thread.Stuff the meat in the funnel.Use the rolling pin to press down the meat.You can also tie Chopsticks together to do the job.But my own experiences told me a small rolling pin is the best.Here is how it works......tie the link with a piece of thread.Rember to get rid of any air in it.As for the length,10-15cm for one link is recommended thread..It takes 15-30days, depending upon the weather and your personal preference.Do not leave them directly under the sun.Leave them to dry in ventilated place.And this place should not be warm either,Do not let them dry in a room with heating.Once they are done,cut off one link ,steam and then slice it.And it's ready to server.Enjoy it.

菜谱创建时间:2021-01-16 08:03:13