分享图: 3层口味娘惹糕的做法

分享图: 3层口味娘惹糕

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作者: FayeT
更新: 因为没时间做食谱,把原食谱搬运过来在👇(后面),请大家自己翻译啊……不好意思😅…… 忘记是哪拿的,没能附上名字,在这里跟食谱作者道个歉. ——————————-////// 知道大家都看了小娘惹,对娘惹糕好像有点兴趣,我分享个上两个月前做的三层娘惹糕图。 这糕过程蛮多的,材料一不新鲜味道打折,待我有时间再做时才分享过程和食谱 (因为其中过程有些模糊不怎记得了,请耐心等等,最近工作忙,材料处理多工,暂没舍时间做这个) 这糕得在模里抹油,铺张香蕉叶,蒸了层木薯糕,再蒸层紫薯糕,最后做层班蘭叶椰香卡仕达层(有去新加坡吃过bangawan solo 的kueh salat就知道这层是什么口感,这层超好吃的)。 谢谢大家赏脸看图😊


分享图: 3层口味娘惹糕的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


步骤 4

Tapioca layer 400g tapioca ,grated (processed in a food processor till fine, squeeze off excess liquid from the grated tapioca and become 300g) 200g coconut milk 50g sugar 2tbsp plain flour 1/2tsp salt

步骤 5

Sweet Potato layer 135g sweet potato, steamed till soften 1tbsp rice flour 75g tapioca flour 60g sugar 70g coconut milk 100g water

步骤 6

Pandan layer 3tbsp plain flour 2tbsp corn flour 1tbsp tapioca flour 2 eggs (large) 80 g sugar 125g pandan juices (from blending 10 pandan leaves) 180g coconut milk

步骤 7

Method To prepare tapioca layer. Combined grated tapioca, flour, coconut milk, sugar and salt. Spread tapioca paste evenly on a greased round tray, steam over high heat for 10mins. To prepare sweet potato layer .While steaming tapioca layer, mash the sweet potato and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Set aside.

步骤 8

Once tapioca is done, slowly pour in sweet potato batter and steam for 15mins. To prepare pandan layer. While steaming sweet potato layer, combine all pandan ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well to mix.

步骤 9

Strain mixture into a bowl and place the bowl over a pan of simmering water to cook, stirring continuously, until custard starts to thicken (able to coat the back of a spoon). Remove from heat. Once sweet potato layer is done. Pour in pandan custard and steam for a further 15mins. Cool completely before cutting

菜谱创建时间:2020-08-12 12:15:51