将烤箱预热至180摄氏度。中火将平底锅烧热后加入少量橄榄油,将香肠煎到上色后取出备用。Preheat the oven to 180 C, place a frying pan over a medium heat. Add a dash of oil and fry the sausages until coloured all over. Transfer to a plate and set aside.
锅中加入洋葱和少许黄油,红糖和百里香叶。中火炒10至15分钟直到洋葱焦糖化。然后加入蘑菇,继续炒5分钟。最后加入香醋,再继续加热5分钟。Add the onions and a couple of knobs of butter to the empty frying pan. Stir in the sugar and thyme, then cook for 10 to 15minutes over a medium heat until completely caramelised. Add the mushrooms, stir, and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Pour in the vinegar and cook for further 5 minutes.
将煎好的香肠和红酒一并加入锅中烧开4至5分钟至酒精挥发,然后加入牛肉高汤煮沸。将准备好的火锅倒入深烤盘中,放入烤箱18至20分钟到汤汁浓稠。Add the cooked sausages and red wine to the pan, bring to the boil and bubble for 4 to 5 mintues to burn off the alcohol and reduce slightly. Add the stock, bring to the boil, then transfer to an oven-proof dish. Cook the stew in the oven for 18 to 20 minutes until the sausages are cooked through and the sauve is thick.