Sparate 2 eggs into yolks and whites. 将两个鸡蛋的蛋黄蛋清分离。
Beat the sugar and the egg yolks until white and thick. 将细砂糖加入蛋黄中打发直到蛋黄发白浓稠。
Beat the egg whites until very glossy and stiff peaks form when the beater is raised, add sugar in three parts. 打发蛋清,白砂糖分三次加入,一直搅拌直到搅拌器抬起时出现光滑硬挺的峰。
Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolks in three parts, folding until partially blended in between and then folding until completely incorporated after the last addtion. 将打发的蛋清分三次加入刚刚打发好的蛋黄中,直至完全混合。
Fold pastry flour into them until fully mixed.Fill the pastry bag and squeeze into a round cookie shape, in this case using a large round pastry mouth. 将面粉加入搅拌,直至完全混合均匀,将面糊装入有大号裱花嘴的裱花袋,挤成圆饼干的形状。
Preheat the oven twenty minutes or longer before baking, preheat the oven to 170℃. Bake the cake for 20 minutes until the cake is golden brown. 将烤箱预热二十多分钟,直到温度达到170℃,烘烤20分钟直到表面变成金黄色。
Add the sugar and water and boil over low heat. 细砂糖加入水中,小火煮沸。
Soften the gelatin in cold water, then drain the water and bloom in a bowl. 将吉利丁片软化,滤干水分后在小碗中煮开。
Beat the egg yolks until white and thick before add the sugar water and gelatin. Add and stir the boiling sugar water and then the gelatin. Cool to room temperature. 再加入糖水和吉利丁之前将蛋白打发至发白和浓稠,先后加入煮沸的糖水和吉利丁,边加入边搅拌。冷却至室温。
Mix half of the egg yolks in the mascarpone until no grains are found. Pour the cheese paste into the remaining yolk mixture and mix well. 将蛋黄糊倒一半进马斯卡彭芝士混合均匀,直至没有颗粒。再将芝士糊倒入剩下的蛋黄糊中翻拌均匀。
Whip the cream to soft peaks. Whipping should stop once it has gained volume and the trail of the whisk can barely be seen on the surface of the cream instead of disappearing soon. It is always better to underwhip the cream for finishing later. 将淡奶油打发至5-6成,滴落的淡奶油可以堆积在表面,而不是马上消失,但整体还是呈液体流动状。
Pour the cream into the cheese mixture and stir well. 将打发好的淡奶油倒入芝士糊中,搅拌均匀。
Place ladyfinger disc brushed with coffee in a 6 inch cake ring. 在圆形六寸模具底部铺满沾有咖啡的手指饼干。
Fill the gaps with walnuts, almonds and other nuts. 在缝隙处摆满核桃,杏仁等坚果。
Deposit half of the tiramisu cream and top with a layer of ladyfinger sponge cake and nuts. 倒入一半提拉米苏慕斯糊,再放一层手指饼干和坚果。
Fill the ring to the top with the cream and smooth the top of the cake with a pastry spatula. Reserve in the freezer for at least 5 hours or overnight. 用慕斯糊将模具填满,再把顶部弄平,在冰箱中至少保存五个小时或过夜。
Once well chilled, garnish the cake with chocolate powder. Romove the cake ring. 冷冻好之后用巧克力粉装饰。脱模。
Take a photo. 合照。
From: <113 面包甜点丨烘焙食谱丨Advanced Bread and Pastry> Ch 17 Classic and Modern Cake Assembly 丨 P 716 TIRAMISU