巧克力和奶油隔水加热融化,巧克力和奶油在热水上面化到还有一些沒化掉时就移开,继续搅拌至完全融化呈现光亮滑顺的狀态 The chocolate and cream are heated and melted in separate water. When the chocolate and cream are melted in hot water and some are not melted, they are moved away. Continue to stir until they are completely melted and smooth
加入糖,可可粉,搅拌均匀Add sugar, cocoa powder and mix well
加入盐,牛奶,香草油,搅拌均匀 Add salt, milk, vanilla oil and mix well
一次加入一只蛋,搅拌均匀后再加入一只蛋Add one egg at a time, stir well, then add another egg
加入已过筛的面粉Add sifted flour
最后加入碎核桃,用刮刀搅拌均匀Finally, add the chopped walnuts and stir with a scraper
倒入长方形模具,175度烤25-30分钟Pour into the rectangular mold, bake at 175 ℃ for 25-30 minutes
取出放涼Remove and cool
切成小块就能食用了~~ Cut it into small pieces and eat it
烤蛋糕前先預熱烤箱~~ for Advanced Bread and pastry P434 Preheat the oven before baking the cake