把面粉、食盐、白砂糖、酸奶、无奶黄油和豆奶倒入厨师机的碗中。 Put the flour, table salt, sugar, yogurt, vegan spread, soya milk in the bowl of a stand mixer.
启动厨师机,速度设置为2或3档,均匀混合所有材料。 Start the mixer at speed 2 or 3, making sure that all the ingredients get mixed nicely together.
以2至3档的速度搅拌3分钟后,加入酵母再搅拌3分钟。 After 3 minutes at speed 2 to 3, add the yeast and spin for another 3 minutes.
你可能需要额外添加几匙面粉,让面团富有弹性。面团不能太湿,也不能太干。 You might have top add a couple of extra spoons of white flour in order that the dough gets a perfect elastic texture. Not too wet and not too dry.
醒发面团2小时。 Let the dough rest for 2 hours.
把面团滚成5毫米厚。 Pin-roll the dough – 5mm thick.
把面团分隔成三角形,然后整形成羊角包的形状。 Cut triangles and start rolling them into croissant shapes.
在羊角包上面刷上豆奶和枫糖浆混合液,然后放入铺有烘焙纸的托盘上。 Brush them with the mix soya-maple and place them on a tray lined with baking parchment.
用180°C(400°F)烘烤10分钟(取决于羊角包的大小)。当颜色变成金黄色时取出。 Bake in oven at 180°C (400*F) Fan for 10 minutes (depending on the size of the croissants). Remove when they’re golden brown.