酸菜鱼 Boiled Fish with Sichuan Pickles
13.9万人浏览 9230人收藏 94人做过
This Boiled fish recipe is fresh and so delicious. Boiled fish combined with Sichuan pickles and garnished with spring onions and chili, it’s a recipe that is one that will be a tasty dish at your next dinner party or just as a family meal. Delicious to taste, fresh and healthy, this recipe is a must addition to your menu. So give it a try and enjoy.
酸菜鱼 Boiled Fish with Sichuan Pickles的做法步骤
步骤 6
酸菜鱼 Boiled Fish with Sichuan Pickles的小贴士
菜谱创建时间:2018-03-22 12:04:50