Mushroom Filling for Ravioli 意大利蘑菇馅馄饨的做法

Mushroom Filling for Ravioli 意大利蘑菇馅馄饨

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作者: daisy的笔记


Mushroom Filling for Ravioli 意大利蘑菇馅馄饨的做法步骤

步骤 1

Heat olive oil in a pan and cook the mushroooms, onion and garlic until golden brown. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 橄榄油加热,倒入蘑菇、洋葱和蒜炒至焦黄,加盐和黑椒粉调味。

步骤 2

Once cooled, put the mixture into a food processor. 冷却后即倒入食物处理机打烂。

步骤 3

While pulsing add the parmesan cheese, ricotta cheese and parsley. Season the mixture to taste. 一边打一边加入帕玛森奶酪和里科达奶酪。

步骤 4

Put the filling into a piping bag and cool until ready to use. 把馅料放入裱花袋放冰箱用时拿出。

步骤 5

做白酱汁:Heat butter in a sauce pan and sweat the onions and garlic. 黄油锅中加热倒入洋葱和蒜煸香。

步骤 6

Sprinkle with flour and cook for 5 minutes without browning. 洒入面粉用手持打蛋品划圈搅拌5分钟左右,不要变黄。

步骤 7

Add the wine and reduce by 1/2. Add the cream and reduce by 1/2. 倒入白葡萄酒收汁一半,再倒入奶油收汁一半。

步骤 8

Add the lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. 加入柠檬汁,盐和黑椒粉调味。

步骤 9


步骤 10

水加盐和橄榄油烧开,加入做好的Ravioli, 浮起后滤出装盘,加上白酱汁,用蘑菇和香叶装饰。

菜谱创建时间:2018-03-12 11:49:13