感觉像泰国版的贵阳丝娃娃和东北的苏子叶……哈哈哈 所有的用量都是适量。看你喜欢吃生么都可以多加。还可以考虑姜丝、青芒果丝等内容。 香甜酱汁做法:Add roasted shrimp paste, ginger, coconut and dried shrimp, and continue pounding until smooth. Remove the mixture and place in a pot with 1.5 cups water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, add palm sugar and table sugar, then reduce heat and simmer, wait until reduced to 1 cup or a bit less. 要是你在泰国,超市里应该可以直接能买到,不用费力自己做了。