Medical&Culinary Herbs and Spices
254人浏览 7人收藏 1人做过
Two main intentions to open this menu:
One is to encourage me to read Herb&Spices by Jill Norman, and to review Medicinal Herbs a beginner’s guide by Rosemary Gladstar.
Two is by doing so, I could memorize their looks and uses, and apply them in my kitchen and daily life.
Herbs and spices are so useful. They can be used dry or fresh, in liquid or solid, raw or cooked, take in or outside use, and etc.. There are uncountable ways to use them in your cooking and your life.
* all pictures are downloaded from internet, all rights reserved to the original sauces.
Medical&Culinary Herbs and Spices的做法步骤
步骤 1
herbs growing in the kitchen
菜谱创建时间:2016-01-25 01:36:29