【西京焼き】miso-marinated fish的做法

【西京焼き】miso-marinated fish

3589人浏览 195人收藏 5人做过
作者: 摇头小丸子
Adapted from: (Nobu) http://morecookbooksthansense.blogspot.com/2012/11/signatures-black-cod-with-miso-nobu.html 资料文,附【Nobu配方】和菜谱原稿 http://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-nobu-miso-marinated-black-cod-117238【号称Nobu的配方1,不知真伪,google第一条结果】 http://www.texasmonthly.com/story/nobu%E2%80%99s-black-cod-miso 【号称Nobu的配方2】 http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/black-cod-with-miso (cod) http://www.justonecookbook.com/recipes/black-cod-with-miso/ 【justonecookbook】also mentioned Nobu http://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/100413798/ http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6f956dbd0101m5s4.html http://ribenliaoli.baike.com/article-11110.html 香港名店配方? (salmon) http://www.justonecookbook.com/recipes/miso-salmon/ (sea bass & other white fish) http://www.justonecookbook.com/recipes/miso-sea-bass/ http://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/1094100/ =1 serving=


【西京焼き】miso-marinated fish的做法步骤

步骤 1

=prep= 【Nobu】 paper towel拍干,不加盐影响咸度 【justonecookbook】 鱼身撒盐,放30min后,paper towel with sake拍干 【省事】 不解冻,跳过1,直接2

步骤 2

=marinade= 【justonecookbook】 -sake 3/4T -mirin 2T -miso 1.5T -?sugar 1T -*soy sauce 0.5T -*sesame oil 1/8t 在密封容器/密封袋(更方便)

步骤 3

=Nobu marinade制作方法,通用4,5,6里的配方= 大火sake+mirin,煮沸20s(4份20s,1份5s?)以挥发酒精 调小火,+miso,搅匀,完全溶解时 调大火,+sugar,持续搅拌防止底焦,完全溶解时 立即离开热源,放冷至室温

步骤 4

【Nobu配方】 sake 9T mirin 9T sugar 15T white miso 24T 比例3:3:5:8 也就是【Nobu配方】原版的3/4 cup (200g) *有人说这样腌3天太咸,Nobu是不是加了过量盐又加过量糖?试出自己的比例? *也有人用这比例的3T:3T:5T:8T做了6 servings, 囧...........................

步骤 5

【号称Nobu的配方1,不知真伪,google第一条结果】 sake 1T mirin 1T sugar 3/4T white miso 1T 比例1:1:3/4:1

步骤 6

【号称Nobu的配方2】 sake 6T mirin 9T sugar 12T white miso 24T 比例2:3:4:8

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

=腌,密封冷藏= white fish: at least overnight usually 2-3 days (Nobu) traditionally a week (freeze) 【省事+试试】立即做、腌20min直接带miso烤/煎、腌4hr都有人试过,都不错 salmon: 30-60min

步骤 8

=cook= 1. grill 锅五六成热时下鱼,文火,先煎鱼皮面,稍变色时翻面,两面browns就好

步骤 9
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

2. oven white fish (400F 20-25min) salmon (broil high 10-12min) preheat, 擦掉miso但不能用冲的 烤盘铺上parchment paper或揉皱的锡纸,鱼skin-side up -不翻面or -10min后翻一次 bake until the edges are browned and the flesh is cooked through 中途可刷腌料

步骤 10

3. grill + oven preheat 400F, 【Nobu】 grill until surfaces brown oven (400F 10-15min) 【别人】 grill ~3min, until the bottom of the fish browns and blackens in spots 翻面2~3min同效 oven (400F 5-10min)

步骤 11

4. outdoor grill (even more traditional~)

【西京焼き】miso-marinated fish的小贴士

【Nobu配方】原版 3 cup (800g) for 4 fillets (1/2lb, 230g each) -sake 3/4 cup (150ml) 推测 -mirin 3/4 cup (150ml) -sugar 1 1/4 cup (225g) -white miso 2 cup (450g) 【Nobu配方做成stock!!!】 Stick it in a bottle and keep it in the fridge, shouldn't go bad. It's great on beef, toro, salmon, octopus, squid, eggplant (Nobu). It's great on grilled lamb chops, and any grilled meat. 尽管西京烧可做许多鱼,但为美好buttery的口感,最佳选择: -black cod (the fat does leach out, it just remains soaked into the beautiful, moist flesh) -chilean seabass (which has a similar stygian habitat) -perhaps a nice piece of grilled salmon belly, but that's much oilier. 撒盐——get rid of the fishy smell, remove excess moisture 不擦掉miso易烧焦——Don’t worry about not having enough flavor as miso is absorbed very quickly. If you want the nice glaze, brush on the miso marinade right before you take out the dish from the oven. To tell if your black cod is done, all you have to do is poke a thin skewer (a cake tester or the probe from a thermometer will work) into the flesh. If you feel it puncturing through membranes, you know your fish still has a bit to go. If it slides smoothly in and out, you're done. 装饰调整——撒葱、芝麻、柠檬 I often drizzle lemon on buttery fish since the acidity break up the grease and adds an additional dimension to the taste. --- The traditional Saikyo Yaki recipes include just three ingredients: -mirin -sake -Saikyo Miso (using white miso here, see Saikyo Miso instructions in the links) *Saikyo = “West City”, previous name for Kyoto, where Saikyo Miso (sweet white miso) originated from. *black cod = gindara = sablefish

菜谱创建时间:2015-03-06 16:12:04