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步骤 1

挞皮制作 - 将低筋面粉、糖粉和杏仁粉过筛备用。冷冻后的黄油放入过筛后的粉中, 粘粉后切成小块。 (注意: 此为粉油法操作, 黄油必须是冻硬的状态, 不能软化; 也可事先将粉和黄油放冷藏降温) Sift all the powders and mix w/ the frozen butter. Chop the butter coated with powder into small pieces (**the butter must be frozen and not in melted state)

步骤 2

用手揉搓粉和黄油, 搓成沙砾状, 没有大的颗粒即可。 Rub the powder and the pieced butter by hand, until the mixture turn into pebbly.

步骤 3

一次性倒入挞皮部分的蛋液,压拌至无干粉并整理成面团, 一分为二。 Pour the egg liquid (the part of tart skin) and press-mixing until there is no visible powder and make a dough. Dividing the dough into two smaller ones.

步骤 4

将两个面团拍扁,用保鲜膜包好, 放冰箱冷藏松弛。 Pat the dough flat, wrapped in plastic film and placed in the fridge for 30min, to ferment)

步骤 5

将挞模在烤盘上摆好。 取出冷藏的面团, 擀成厚约0.3cm的薄饼, 使用8号压模(大小刚好盖住挞模)在面饼上压出挞皮, 小心取出并盖在挞模上, 等挞皮松软后轻轻将挞皮下压贴住挞模, 用牙签将气泡扎破排出气体。 Place the tart mold onto the baking sheet. Roll the fridged dough to flatten it out, roughly 0.3cm thin. Use the tart compression mold to press out the tart skin. Press the tart skin with the mold and remove the air-bubble.

步骤 6

再次冷藏醒发30分钟。 入烤箱上下火180/160度, 挞皮上色即可,放一旁备用。 Place the tart skin in the fridge for another 30min to ferment. Then placed in the oven in 180/160 degrees Celsius. A bit coloring on the skin will do.

步骤 7

流心芝士内馅制作- 将蛋液、细砂糖和玉米淀粉搅打均匀;奶油奶酪用保鲜膜包好压扁放微波炉叮10秒软化; Making of the filling part - Whisk the egg, castor sugar and the corn starch to mix well; Wrap the cold cream cheese in the plastic film and flatten microwave for 10s to soften.

步骤 8

将搅打好的蛋液、细砂糖和玉米淀粉放入奶锅中,小火加热使其糊化变稠至淡奶油状即可。 Slowly heat the mixed egg, castor sugar and corn starch, gelatinize the mixture to a thickening state similar to cream.

步骤 9

将熬制好的糊过筛到牛奶中。 再少量多次加入软化的奶油奶酪,蛋抽快速搅打均匀,搅打到有流动性的状态。 Sieve the mixture into the milk, then slowly (in small proportion each time ) mix with cream cheese, then whisk quickly the mixture into a fluid status.

步骤 10

装入裱花袋,挤在已烤好的挞模里至八九分满,随即放入冷冻箱。冻硬后放入冷藏醒发。半小时后取出表面刷蛋液。入烤箱烘烤。上下火220/140度,10-12分钟。 Load the fluid paste into the pastry bag, squeeze into the tart skin mould to 80-90% full, freeze for 20-30min till it turns hard, taking out to brush egg liquid on the surface, before putting in the oven by 220/140 degrees Celsius for 10-12min.


* 此配方为粉油法制作,黄油不能软化,必需是冻硬的状态操作。 糖油法的话需要黄油软化后操作。 粉油法的优点是不容易起筋,口感脆但不会很硬。 * 挞皮做好以后先烘烤至半熟以及定型,避免和流动芝士一同烘烤时间太短烤不熟。 * 挞皮的松弛一定要到位。 * 熬制后的液体部分加入到奶油奶酪中时,一定要少量多次加入,每次都需要搅打均匀。

菜谱创建时间:2021-07-15 13:37:21