手残版可以更加懒人版鱼羊鲜锅fish and lamb, the sweatiest and easiest hot pot的做法

手残版可以更加懒人版鱼羊鲜锅fish and lamb, the sweatiest and easiest hot pot

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作者: Jing_7oa9


手残版可以更加懒人版鱼羊鲜锅fish and lamb, the sweatiest and easiest hot pot的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

水里加洋葱姜酒,煮开,加切开的小羊排和迷迭香煮5分钟。途中不停去除浮沫。Add onion, ginger, wine into water bring to boil. Put in lamb chop and rosemary,cook for 5 min. Remove the dirt float on top of the soup。

步骤 2

炒锅里放油,将两条鲫鱼两面煎香。捞出放入砂锅。加姜酒葱和煮羊排的热汤。不够的话加开水。滚15分钟至汤呈奶白色。Add oil into the wok and fry the two fish to crisp on both sides. Put fried fish to a clay pot, add ginger, spring onion and hot soup for cooking the lamb chop. You can add hot water for more soup. Cook for 15 min until the soup change to milky color.

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

取出葱姜,加入羊排,腐竹和木耳。煮5分钟至木耳腐竹熟透。加盐和胡椒粉调味。Take out the ginger and spring onion. Add lamb chop, dried bean curd and fungus and cook for 5 min until done. Add salt and white pepper to taste.

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

撒把香菜起锅。冬天可以放在火锅炉上加喜欢的蔬菜豆腐粉丝继续烫。羊排捞出按口味加孜然盐辣椒粉蘸料或者大蒜酱油蝶。爱怎么吃就怎么吃。肉鲜嫩完全没膻味。 Add coriander to serve. Can be put on hot pot in winter and add your favorite veggie and vermicelli. Take out the lamb chop and dip with cumin powder salt chili mixture or garlic soy sauce, whatever as you wish.

手残版可以更加懒人版鱼羊鲜锅fish and lamb, the sweatiest and easiest hot pot的小贴士

懒人版可以直接把羊肉扔进鱼汤里一起炖。煮鱼汤必须加热水加热水加热水!重要的事情说三遍。羊肉里加些迷迭香可以去膻味。我不喜欢汤太油所以煎鱼的油完全被丢弃了。这样做出来的汤没有什么油花。喜欢油的同学可以直接在煎鱼锅里加水煮汤。煮好后的汤里想加什么就加什么喜欢就好。Key point that you must add hot water/soup into the fried fish to make fish soup. You can omit the first step of cooking the lamb, and just add the lamb into the fish soup. Adjust the amount of oil after frying the fish to be kept inside the soup before you add hot water. Add any veggie as you like into the soup as you like.

菜谱创建时间:2020-04-11 23:23:31