30mins香蕉全麦司康/司空饼Banana Wholewheat Scone的做法

30mins香蕉全麦司康/司空饼Banana Wholewheat Scone

771人浏览 31人收藏 2人做过
作者: GaJoS
做了两次都是大成功,耗时只需半小时的美食哦! Whole cooking time will be in 30mins. 放入烤箱之前可以切片香蕉或刷蛋液在表面装饰。


30mins香蕉全麦司康/司空饼Banana Wholewheat Scone的做法步骤

步骤 1

Step1低筋面粉、泡打粉、全麦面粉、红糖混匀备用。黄油切小块,冷藏备用。香蕉捣碎备用。 Mix low-gluten flour, baking powder, wholewheat flour and brown sugar together evenly. Cut butter into small pieces and refrigerate them to keep cold. Mash the banana into sauce.

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Step2 将黄油倒入粉类混合物中,用手将黄油和粉混合揉搓成细沙状。(动作要快,避免黄油融化。)Pour the butter pieces into the powder mixture, and then mix the butter and powder by hands to form the whole mixture like fine, moist sand. Keep your movements quick when you do this step, to avoid the butter melting.

步骤 3

step3 加入捣碎的香蕉和牛奶。Put mashed banana and milk.

步骤 4

step4 用勺子混合均匀即可。(大致成团就停下,不要过度揉导致面团起筋。有少量干粉也没关系。)Mix them well with a spoon. (when the dough is roughly formed then stop. Do not over knead the dough and cause it to get cramped. It doesn't matter if there is few dry flour powder.

步骤 5

step5 面团分成6份,尽量保持圆圆的堆型。(此配方为6个司康,如在此步骤改变数量,需要调整烤制时间)Divide the dough evenly into 6 parts and try to keep the round pile shape. (this formula is for 6 Scones. If you change quantity in this step, the baking time needs to be adjusted.)

步骤 6
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

step6 烤箱提前预热220度,放烤盘在中层烤制15分钟。冷却几分钟后即可享用!Preheat the oven to 220 degrees in advance and bake in the middle layer for 15 minutes. Cool for a few minutes after finished.

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1


30mins香蕉全麦司康/司空饼Banana Wholewheat Scone的小贴士

泡打粉不可以省略; 尽量保持用料的准确。 搭配推荐:果酱、奶油 都是不错的选择哦!

菜谱创建时间:2020-03-19 16:54:34