170人浏览 2人收藏 1人做过
来自cooking with dog
Ingredients for Tai-meshi (serves 2)
1 Tai Fillet - Sea Bream (with bones) or substitute: red snapper
180ml Rice (6.1 fl oz)
200ml Water (6.8 fl oz)
1 tbsp Sake
⅓~½ tsp Salt
¼ tsp Soy Sauce
4x5cm Dashi Kombu Seaseed (1½x2 in)
5g Ginger Root, Shredded (0.18 oz)
- Toppings -
4 sprigs of Kinome - Young Leaves of Sansho Pepper
or substitute: Mitsuba Parsley or Shiso Leaves
Toasted White Sesame Seeds
步骤 4
用厨房纸吸干鱼的水分,用Grill 或者是锅,将鱼的两面烤一下
步骤 5
砂锅用cooking spray 喷一下,加入泡好的米,泡米水和海带。加入⅓~½ tsp Salt, 1 tbsp Sake, 和 ¼ tsp Soy Sauce,搅拌均匀。再放入鱼和姜丝。
步骤 6
大火烧开后,转小火(2),煮12min左右, 关火(或shimmer1 10min+关火5min)焖至米饭熟(约15min)。
步骤 7
菜谱创建时间:2017-08-22 06:46:33