Baked Orange Salmon with Fennel的做法

Baked Orange Salmon with Fennel

191人浏览 0人做过
作者: 洋流不孤寂
"A surprisingly good and healthy dish for guests or family. Salmon fillets are roasted with fennel bulb in an orange sauce." (研究fennel发现的菜单,来自allrecipes) 球茎茴香 学名Foeniculum dulce D.C.,英文名Florence Fennel,别名意大利茴香、甜茴香,为伞形花科茴香属茴香种的一个变种。


Baked Orange Salmon with Fennel的做法步骤

步骤 1

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (150 degrees C).预热烤箱至350华氏度(150摄氏度)。

步骤 2

In a medium skillet over medium heat, cook fennel in olive oil until translucent, about 20 minutes.在一个中等大小的锅中火,煮茴香橄榄油到半透明,约20分钟。

步骤 3

Place the fillets skin side down in a glass baking dish. Pour the orange juice over the fillets. Sprinkle fennel over in an even layer, and season with OLD BAY. Cover the dish with aluminum foil. 把鱼片皮那一面朝下放在玻璃烤盘中。将柳橙汁倒在鱼上。在一层均匀撒上茴香。用铝箔将菜包起来。

步骤 4

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. 烤20 - 25分钟,或者直到鱼薄片容易用叉子叉透。

Baked Orange Salmon with Fennel的小贴士

Aluminum foil helps keep food moist, ensures it cooks evenly, keeps leftovers fresh, and makes clean-up easy.(使用锡包纸)

菜谱创建时间:2016-11-19 03:21:39