

1599人浏览 91人收藏 0人做过
作者: chubby_tuo
巧克力焦糖饼(caramel slice)是澳洲经典甜食,减脂把澳村人最爱的糖发挥到了极致,有三层组成,饼底+焦糖馅+巧克力。这个菜谱也是从网上扒下来的,让减肥吃想吃甜的你负罪感少一点儿,用更健康的原料代替原来让人发胖的材料。



步骤 1

Line a square or rectangle baking tray with baking paper. This will ensure your treat will be easily lifted out of the tray without compromising your layers. (Try not to use a very large baking tray, as you want your slices to be plump.) To start off your treat, grab all of your nutty base ingredients and place into a food processor and blend.

步骤 2

Place the base ingredients in the tray and firmly press down the mixture. Place the tray in the freezer while you work on your next layer.

步骤 3

The same method again for the next layer—place all the crunch ingredients into the food processor and blend.

步骤 4

Place the crunch mixture in the tray and firmly press down the layer. Place the tray in the freezer while you work on your next layer. Now the best bit, the caramel layer! Place all ingredients in your food processor and blend. If your dates are sticking to the sides simply scrape the sides and keep blending.

步骤 5

Pour the caramel mixture into the tray and even out the mixture (a spatula is best for this part to even out the gooey caramel). Place the tray in the freezer while you work on your next layer.

步骤 6

Finally the chocolate layer! In a mixing bowl mix all ingredients together until you have a smooth consistency. Pour over the slice and freeze overnight or for at least 4 hours.

菜谱创建时间:2015-04-07 15:22:51