sex on the beach的做法

sex on the beach

6257人浏览 389人收藏 3人做过
25ml peach schnapps 25ml vodka Cranberry juice Orange juice Dash of melon juice Ice Orange wedge Then you will need to do this: Shake the vodka, peach schnapps and lemon juice together. Pour into a high-ball glass over ice. Top up with the orange and cranberry juice and garnish with a wedge of orange. Now it seems only right that you dance about to Bros and watch Dirty Dancing or something. Sorry in advance. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/59109813831960409/


sex on the beach的做法步骤

步骤 1

Shake the vodka, peach schnapps and lemon juice together.

菜谱创建时间:2013-10-22 22:29:54