Amber川 做过



- 色拉:煎三文鱼牛油果发达芝士葵花子白玉菇
(炒葵花子+炒白玉菇; smashed avocado+pepper+salt+extra virgin olive oil; +romaine lettuce; +olive oil +fruit vinegar, +fried salmon)

- 培根胡萝卜蘑菇鸡蛋卷
(黄油 +培根/胡萝卜/蘑菇丁 +鸡蛋)

- 芝士南瓜酱配八爪鱼
(pumpkin+feta cheese+parsley+mozzarella cheese+sugar; 八爪鱼+蚝油+生抽+小米椒+白砂糖)

- 奶油白葡萄酒炒文蛤
(extra virgin olive oil +garlic +onion +clam +white wine +cream +chopped parsley)

- 奶油厚芝士意面
(意面+盐开水; 黄油+蒜末+菠菜; +奶油+mozzarella cheese; +parsley+lemon, +basil)

- 小丽香肠

- 餐前椰香威士忌酒
(百龄坛官网配方: 45ml of Ballantine’s Finest;350ml Coconut Water;50ml of orange juice;15ml of sugar syrup;2 drops of Angostura Bitters)

- 配餐红酒: C’est pas la mer à boire

- 甜品: 诺心n+暧昧蛋糕 (桃味千层)

- 餐后气泡果味烧酒: peach soju +sparkling water +basil
