
省钱¥素食餐| Vegan BUDGET¥ MEALS

#省钱¥素食餐| Vegan BUDGET¥ MEALS#
今天虽然还是胀气gas and blotting,但我们家似乎终于雨果天气了🌞,虽说就要离开居住十年的房子,但也卸下来负担burden,从离开的时候重新开始,thank you, next!谢谢之前的经历让我懂得了很多,成长了很多,争取这周把公众号加紧编辑,加油!到时候请各位亲来捧场谢谢。

vegetable 蔬菜
Chinese cabbage, 2 tomatoes🍅, potatoe🥔, leaf lettuce, water spinach, mushrooms🍄, 1/2 cucumber🥒, 1/2 onion
beans 豆类
peas, soybeans (tofu and smokey tofu), and red beans
grains 谷物
corn, corn grits, and white rice 🍚
nuts 坚果类
3 almond
