

#早餐•2016年11月1日##mon petit-déjeuner#自己的早餐,自己的早餐,自己的早餐。多谷坚果法棍烤火鸡胸三明治。来,亲们张大嘴咬😀十一月啦,进入我最爱的感恩圣诞holiday season 好兴奋哦,新的一个月要好好加油哦😄昨天晚上饼星人回来偶然看见我十一月的训练计划很兴奋的问我照着这个训练不论吃什么都会瘦吗?I wish I could tell you yes, but sadly non. désolée 😅a, 这是我的训练,不是他这个阶段的。b, Everyone can workout for 1 hour a day, but what matters is what goes on your plate the other 23 hours. You CANNOT out-exercise a bad diet. c, it's not a diet, it's about changing your lifestyle. d, Fitness is just like marriage, you can't CHEAT on it and expect it to work. 虽然饼星人经常加班非常忙,但是还是希望他至少先从加入我的long walks和一些cardio开始, workouts are important meetings you scheduled with yourself. You are the boss of your health, and boss doesn't cancel 💪

